How To Protect Your Pittsburgh Roof This Winter

Winter is here and now is the perfect time to learn how to protect your Pittsburgh roof from winter storms.

Besides being agonizingly cold, the winter can cause damage to your roof and risk the safety of your home.  To avoid any issues this winter, here  are a few tips on how to protect your Pittsburgh roof.

01. Keep Your  Attic Well Ventilated

Pittsburgh is notorious for wet winters with high humidity. Our first tip for learning how to protect your Pittsburgh roof is to ensure your attic is well-ventilated to avoid water damage and swelling of the roof.


02. Schedule A  Roof Inspection

If you are unsure about the safety of your roof this winter, then you should schedule a roof inspection with professionals such as JP Roofing.  This will ensure that you are doing the most to protect your Pittsburgh roof.


03. Double-Check  Your Drainage 

Drainage is extremely important because snow turns into water and the water will need somewhere to runoff.  If it doesn’t, then it will likely swell into the roof of your home and causes serious damage.


04. Avoid Large Tree Limbs

Large tree limbs can damage your roof by falling on the roof, scratching the shingles, and shedding causing drainage blockages. To avoid this damage, we suggest trimming your tree branches back to 6 feet away  from your house.


Let's Recap!   

To prevent your roof from the wintertime damage, follow these 4 tips! 

1. Keep Your Attic Ventilated 

3. Double-check Your Drainage

2. Schedule A Roof Inspection

4. Avoid Large Tree Limbs 

Need Help Getting Started? 

Proudly serving the Pittsburgh area,  JP Roofing has multiple services the bring you the best quality of roof.  Our professionals are ready to  give you a roof that is worth  your investment!