Does New Siding Increase Home Value?

The Benefits Of Siding

Siding not only protects your home from the weather and potential damage, but it can also help aid in curb appeal!  So what aspects of siding increases home value? Swipe for more!

01. Siding Material

Various siding types vary in price, style, and preference. Vinyl siding is affordable with low maintenance but prone to cracks, while fiber cement is durable but slightly pricier.


02. Curb Appeal

When your home's siding is thoughtfully chosen to match its architectural style, it makes it  visually appealing, adding to the neighborhood's charm and boosting your home's curb appeal and value.


03. Siding Maintenance

Bad siding can absolutely decrease your home value.  Keep an eye out for things like cracked or warped siding, fungus growth, colors that have seen better days, or paint peeling inside your home. 


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